MooGoo is all about natural skincare products made with healthy ingredients, plant oils and extracts. The brand hails from Australia and was founded when they recognised that the moisturising udder cream (yes, there is such a cream!) used on cows in Australian dairy farms also had a wondrous skin soothing effect on the humans applying it. A lighter and non-greasy version for humans was developed and MooGoo was born.
They specialise in providing solutions for a variety of skincare problems such as dry skin, eczema, psoriasis, acne, dermatitis and more – they pretty much have a product for all skin and hair care needs.
Their range of products is constantly expanding, so are the number of fans, as these products have proven results. What we also like about these products is that they are affordable, prices start from just £4.40.
We have a good selection of MooGoo products on our shelves now, even a self-tan lotion called How Now Brown Cow which is the ideal way to get those milky white legs looking acceptable the safe way, so pop in and see for yourself how udderly (pun intended, sorry!) gorgeous they all are.