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Serves 2


Ice berg Lettuce or any other salad leaves as you prefer – Rocket/spinach etc.
3-4 medium size tomatoes (if possible choose Jersey grown toms for sweetness)
1 ripe avocado (optional)
Pink Himalayan salt or Herb Salt (Herbamare/Fusion herb salt are also a great accompaniment)
1 tablespoon – shelled hemp
A splash of Jersey Hemp Culinary oil

Toss the salad and tomatoes etc. together. Add the salt and  a splash of Jersey Hemp oil.    Enjoy…!

Hemp seeds and oil contains many nutrients, essential fatty acids, and essential amino acids.  It has an excellent balance of Omega 3 and 6 oils.  It’s also high in protein, calcium, iron, and fibre. Such nutrients support the normal functioning of our bodily systems.