Gain self-confidence and you can achieve anything
Do you lack confidence and feel it is holding you back in life? Self-confidence is so important in every aspect of our lives, yet many of us struggle with it.
The good news is that self-confidence can be learned so that you can fulfil your ambitions and overcome adversity.
Pamela Pitcher, a confidence and clarity coach, offers a workshop to build your confidence in a natural way. ‘The Point’ is a 6-session workshop series where you learn how to be confident in a relaxed and supportive atmosphere. Throughout these sessions you will learn to free yourself from how others think of you, reconnect with your authentic self and emerge inspired and confident!
- Your Point of View, Creating Flexibility of Perspective
- Point is, Limiting Beliefs Limit our True Potential
- There is no Point to Negative Self-Talk & Inner Critics
- Understanding My Values Points the Way
- The Point is to Live My Passion
- The Point of Power, Using the Art of Strategy
Free Taster session on Wednesday 7th September, at The Bridge at 7pm, where you will learn about The Point and how it leads to confidence. Pamela will discuss each step along the path and answer your questions. The session will end with a creative visualisation for confidence. For more information or to book your space click here.
“When you connect your inner game with your outer game, you suddenly find yourself flooded with new confidence.” Pamela Pitcher.