Start this October the right way, especially if you are a smoker and want to quit. Stoptober is back for 2016 to encourage smokers across England to make a quit attempt during October. Stoptober has driven almost 1 million quit attempts to date, with thousands more likely to take part this autumn, and this year there are plenty of ways for people and partners to get involved.
Whilst Stoptober is a campaign in its own right, it will now be positioned within the wider One You brand. One You is the Public Health England brand that helps adults across the country avoid future diseases caused by modern life. In addition to encouraging people to stop smoking & stop drink alcohol, One You also tackles other everyday habits and behaviours such as eating too much unhealthy food, drinking more than is recommended and not being active enough.
We could all probably do with quitting something or reducing certain foods, like sugar, and now is the time to do it – before the Christmas season kicks in!